Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Scalloped Hasselback Potatoes

OMGosh!!! These look too good to be true. Its raining outside and I am inside, helping my son bake his first loaves of French bread from a recipe he found, and watching Pioneer Woman. I was on her website, looking for one of the recipes from her show, when I stumbled upon this recipe for Hasselback Potatoes. We have nice big potatoes from our SLO Veg delivery, perfect for this recipe.


I thought I had found the perfect way to bake potatoes when I discovered that you get a nice,crispy skin when you DON'T wrap them in foil. Just simply coat the potato in butter or olive oil, sprinkle with salt, and bake until done. Delicious! But this recipe, the Hasselback way, all sliced and slipped in with cheese and butter? It's gotta be divine!!!

I was already planning to back some fish using a new Mandarin-flavored olive oil we picked up from a local grower over the weekend, so I have my black cod marinating in it right now. I was thinking of making rice to go along with it, but now its going to be potatoes--big, cheesy, buttery potatoes. And cocktail sauce for the fish. Can't wait!

So I gathered up the ingredients: five large baking potatoes, Parmesan cheese, cheddar cheese, butter, olive oil, salt and pepper. I only had shredded Parmesan cheese on hand, not the block-style Parmesan-Reggiano, but I will make it work. See that picture? Now let's get baking!

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